EUROPE - rEmote and rUral aReas Of EuroPe together


  • EAST OF MOON (Iceland)
  • OPEN IMPACT (Italy)


  • STARTDATE: 01/02/2023
  • DURATION: 24 months
  • Common values, civic engagement and participation

  • Improving the competences of educators and other adult education staffp
  • Creating and promoting learning opportunities among all citizens and generations
  • International relations and development cooperation
  • Development of disadvantaged rural and urban areas
  • European identity, citizenship and values


  • Implement four short mobilities on islands and remote rural areas of Europe to investigate the challenges their communities are facing and the solutions they are adopting to meet them;
  • During each mobility, partners will co-design a workshop using NFE methods to involve adult learners on a specific challenge previously identified as a shared one.
  • The topics will be sustainable development, digital transformation, mobility, education, youth engagement, and community building.
  • During each mobility, a Vlog will be shot documenting the meetings and activities, and the footage will be used to create a short docufilm.
  • At the end of the project, all the material produced will be organized in the EUROPE ToolKit and made available in OER.


  • Adult trainers
  •  Staff of educational institutions
  •  NGOs
  •  Organizations active in Remote and Rural Areas, working in the field to face the challenges to develop their territory further.


  • ToolKit - Research to better highlight and understand the current state-of-the-art of rural and remote areas, challenges to face, regulations in place to help them, and institutions' strategies and plans.
  • Field research - Visit public institutions and meet with local organizations and SMEs to get hands-on with the problems and challenges they are facing. In the end, they will get together for the co-creation of a series of workshops (one per field trip) to tackle one specific issue identified during the field trip.
  • Addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity.
  • Adapting VET to labour market needs.
  • Contributing to innovation in VET.


  • 3 project social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube)
  • 2 piloting sessions using focus groups and surveys to gather feedback on the quality of the training and the quality of the ToolKit
  • 4 Field Trips implemented
  • 1 DocuFilm


All Partners:

  • Identify the project managers assigned to the project and upload their contact info in the contact list file in the repository.
  • Arrange a local event at the end of the project.

East of Moon:

  • Coordinator responsible for guiding implementation, arranging coord. meetings, setting up communication tools, establishing agreements, managing/distributing/monitoring budget expenditures, and producing progress reports every six months.
  • In A2, Leader of the activity and of the field trip in Iceland. Arrange the visit to Iceland (3 days excl. travels).

Open Impact:

  • Quality Assurance Leader. OI will produce a quality plan containing indicators that will be used internally and externally to evaluate and monitor the quality of the project implementation and the quality of the project results.
  • Implement the dissemination strategy


  • Support the Coordinator for PMI, Budget management, Risks management and reporting.
  • Leader of dissemination activities, drafting of Dissemination Plan

Consulta Europa:

  • Leader of A1 - Consulta Europa is experienced in delivering products such as research and ToolKits in international Projects.
  • In A2, Leader of the field trip to the Canary Islands. Arrange the visit to the Canary Islands (3 days excl. travels).


  • In A2, Leader of the field trip to Madeira. Arrange the visit to Madeira (3 days excl. travels).


  • In A2, Leader of the field trip to Sardinia. Arrange the visit to Sardinia (3 days excl. travels).
  • Leader A3 - Absentia's stuff is composed of experienced graphic designers and video makers.