ParticiPart - Participatory democracy


  • ARTETEKA LTD (Ireland)


  • STARTDATE: 31/05/2022
  • DURATION: 14 months
  • OVERALL OBJECTIVE: to empower young people with disabilities and barriers linked to education and training systems to be active citizens in their local communities and participate actively in the democratic life through innovative art-focussed methodologies.


  • SO1: Promote alternative forms of local participatory democracy for young people in Europe, particularly focussed on creativity and critical thinking.
  • SO2: Enhance participation in democratic life of young people with fewer opportunities (disabilities/barriers linked to education).
  • SO3: Reinforce the link between youth work and policy making, particularly to support marginalised young people.
  • A new art-based methodology to engage young people in local democracy and development processes.
  • Policy recommendations around EU issues
  • A new online course for youth workers and policy makers regarding inclusive participation


18 young people aged 16 to 30 years old (6 in each country) facing geographical barriers and one these challenges/barriers:

  • Disabilit
  • Educational difficulties and barriers linked to educational and training systems

E.g. NEETs, students with physical disabilities, early school leavers, young people experiencing mental health challenges…


  • A1: Preparation and kick-off meeting (2 months - IT)
  • A2: ParticipArt: Methodology development (5 months - IE)
  • A3: Piloting of the ParticipArt methodology at local level (4 months - IE)
  • A4: Development of an open-source short course for ParticipArt (2 months - PT)


  • A1: Preparation and kick-off meeting (2 months - IT)
  • A2: ParticipArt: Methodology development (5 months - IE)
  • A3: Piloting of the ParticipArt methodology at local level (4 months - IE)
  • A4: Development of an open-source short course for ParticipArt (2 months - PT)

A1 - Preparation and kick off meeting

2 months to prepare

  • Partnership agreements
  • Social media platform and project identity,
  • Google drive of the project,
  • Kick off meeting in Dublin

A2 – ParticipArt: Methodology development

  • PHASE 1 (M3 - M4): Promotion of the project and selection of 6 participants.
  • PHASE 2 (M5): Selected participants will be involved in deciding three main priority topics they want to discuss with politicians at local level. The choice will be carried out through focus groups and covers three main areas:
    1. environment and climate change,
    2. social inclusion and democracy,
    3. youth challenges and solutions.

    Focus groups to discuss EU priorities and the young people’s choice of art.

  • PHASE 3 (M6 - M7): Based on the topics decided in each country, the partners will prepare the materials for the methodology and follow the following phases Discover, Dream, Design, Deliver (APPRECIATIVE INQUIRY METHODOLOGY)

A3 – Piloting of the ParticipArt Methodology at Local Level

  1. DISCOVER: The young people will be informed about good practices around one of the three topics. The good practices will come from other EU countries and will include policies, strategies, public awareness and educational actions etc.
  2. DREAM: Considering their own context, the young people will discuss together how the good practices could be applied in their lives or local community.
  3. DESIGN: Through art and creativity, the participants will define how the good practices can be replicated at local level and through the support of local policy-maker.
  4. DELIVER: starting from the presentation of the arts, the realistic plans will be discussed with policymakers.

A4 – Development of an open-source short course for ParticipArt

  • Phase 1 (M12): Agreement of the learning outcomes and course methodology (video, readings, case studies...)
  • Phase 2 (M12- M13): Each partner works on a section of the course. The sections will be written in English and each partner will peer-review the work of the other.
  • Phase 3 (M14): Each partner will pilot the course with 2 youth workers OR policy-makers and gather feedback in an online questionnaire (Google form)
  • Phase 4 (M14): The course will be finalised and available online (SALTO platform, online course platform)


  • Giardini Naxos: Coordination of the project, financial management and reporting
  • ArtéTeka: Dissemination activities and reporting
  • Associação Poiomar: Impact evaluation and monitoring activities